Category: |
Bible Studies & Devotionals
Christian Living |
Format: | Paperback |
Page Count: | 80 |
Size: | 5.75 in x 8.25 in |
Weight: | 4.88 ounces |
ISBN-10: | 1-4335-7089-0 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1-4335-7089-6 |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433570896 |
Case Quantity: | 50 |
Published: | September 08, 2020 |
See Anew the Unfolding Story of God's Grace
This study guide is designed to help you connect more deeply to the overarching storyline of God’s unfolding grace from Genesis through Revelation.
Created as a companion to Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible, this workbook is intended for individual and small group study alike. Each of the seven parts features a short synopsis followed by reflection questions to take you deeper into the story of Scripture and encourage reflection on key biblical themes.
Product Details
Table of Contents
Part 1: The Story Begins (Genesis)
1. God’s Creation and Humanity’s Fall (Genesis 1–4)
2. The Flood and God’s Covenant with Noah (Genesis 6–9)
3. Babel and the Promise to Abraham (Genesis 10–12)
4. Abraham and the Promise of Isaac (Genesis 15–18)
5. The Promise to Isaac and the Blessing of Jacob (Genesis 25–28)
6. Israel Comes to Egypt (Genesis 45–48)
Part 2: God’s People Redeemed (Exodus–Joshua)
7. Israel’s Oppression and Moses’ Call (Exodus 1–3)
8. God’s Judgment of Egypt (Exodus 7–10)
9. God’s Deliverance of Israel (Exodus 12–15)
10. God’s Covenant with Israel (Exodus 18–20)
11. The Idolatry of Israel and the Heart of God (Exodus 32–34)
12. Israel’s Journey and Rebellion (Numbers 10–14)
13. Israel Enters the Land (Joshua 1–4)
Part 3: God’s Kingdom Established (Judges–Kings)
14. Israel’s Cycle of Sin and Restoration (Judges 1–4)
15. Israel Needs a King (Judges 17–21)
16. Israel Receives a King (1 Samuel 7–11)
17. The Rejection of Saul and Anointing of David (1 Samuel 15–17)
18. The Covenant with David (2 Samuel 5–8)
19. The Kingdom Established Through Solomon (1 Kings 1–4)
20. The Temple Built by Solomon (1 Kings 6–9)
Part 4: God’s Kingdom Declined and Partially Restored (Kings–Nehemiah)
21. The Kingdom Divided (1 Kings 11–14)
22. Judah Exiled (2 Kings 21–25)
23. Exiles Return and Rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1–3)
24. Israel Recommits to Obey God (Nehemiah 8–10)
Part 5: The Hope of Restoration (The Prophets)
25. The Hope of a New Exodus (Isaiah 52–55)
26. The Hope of a New Creation (Isaiah 63–66)
27. The Hope of a New Covenant (Jeremiah 30–33)
28. The Hope of New Life (Ezekiel 34–37)
Part 6: The Dawning of the Kingdom (Mark)
29. Jesus’ Ministry Begins (Mark 1–4)
30. Jesus’ Ministry Continues (Mark 5–8)
31. Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem (Mark 9–12)
32. Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (Mark 13–16)
Part 7: The Gospel Spreads and All Is Made New (Acts, Ephesians, Revelation)
33. The Church’s Mission Begins (Acts 1–4)
34. The Church Multiplies in Jerusalem and Beyond (Acts 5–8)
35. The Gospel Begins to Spread to the Gentiles (Acts 9–12)
36. The Gospel Continues to Spread (Acts 13–15)
37. The Gospel Explained (Ephesians 1–3)
38. The Gospel Applied (Ephesians 4–6)
39. The King Speaks to His Churches (Revelation 1–3)
40. The Return of the King and the Restoration of All Things (Revelation 19–22)
“Each turning of the page of this beautiful book draws its readers ever-deeper into the breathtaking flow of the Bible’s epic story of redemption where the reward is, in Jesus’s words, ‘grace upon grace.’ Here the story of grace is rendered transparent by the dignified precision of the English Standard Version, the fine introductions by Drew Hunter, and the exquisite illustrations and headers of German artist Peter Voth. This book will surely be used to introduce many readers to ‘the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Read it, and give it!”
R. Kent Hughes, Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois
“The Bible contains the one narrative that serves as the context for every other narrative in human history. Unfolding Grace puts on full display this overarching narrative of the Bible in the context of the gospel of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. This guided reading will remind and reassure Christians that there is a plan and a purpose for our history that will culminate in the grand restoration of all things.”
Miles V. Van Pelt, Alan Hayes Belcher, Jr. Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages and Director, Summer Institute for Biblical Languages, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
“With eye-catching illustrations, guided insight, and a helpful narrative structure, Unfolding Grace and the Unfolding Grace Study Guide act as gentle and wise companions to anyone who wants to read through Scripture with purpose and clarity. I highly recommend this beautiful resource.”
Shelby Abbott, author, DoubtLess and Pressure Points; speaker; campus minister
Designed to Help You Connect More Deeply to the Overarching Storyline of God's Unfolding Grace from Genesis through Revelation